Keerthy Suresh is an Indian actress, who mostly works in Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu films. She made her debut as a child actor in the Malayalam movie Pilots. Keerthy made her debut lead role in the Tamil movie Idhu Enna Maayam. She won the National Award for her performance as Savitri in the Mahanati movie. She also worked in other super hit movies like Nenu Local, Sarkar, Penguin, Rang De, Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Vaashi, and more. Keerthy made her Bollywood debut with Baby John directed by Atlee. Her performance in the Raghu Thatha movie was critically acclaimed.
Did You Know?
She is an avid dog lover and she named her dog Nyke.
Keerthy did an exchange program in Scotland for four months and completed a two-month internship in London.
She played opposite actor and politician Pawan Kalyan in the Agnyaathavaasi movie. Her role as Madhu in the Thaanaa Serndha Koottam movie became a huge hit and received critical acclaim.
Keerthy’s dance video with Akshitha Subramanian went viral on all social media platforms.
Her Instagram account has more than 17.8M followers (as of August 2024).